Creating outstanding schools

Finland’s education system inspires the world.

One of the most common requests about schools that we receive is what can you do for us?  Over the years this has led to several operational models in which Finnish educational excellence can be realized in schools globally.

These range from starting from scratch: concept, blueprint through to a fully operational school; turning around and transforming an already existing school; building streams, such as through English with international teachers; to providing schools with professional support and accreditation processes.

Kati Loponen, CEO EduCluster Finland

There is no off-the-shelf school solution that can be exported from Finland to other countries.  But there are ways in which schools can develop key Finnish strengths that suit their needs and destiny.

This is what we can provide: specific school solutions for differing world contexts.

Case examples of school and partner school operations

We are immensely proud to have collaborated with some of the premier education companies in other locations globally. Together with these wonderful partners we have co-created Finland International and Finnish inspired schools projects, where the school is owned and operated by the partner but where EduCluster Finland continue to collaborate academically and inject a certain amount of Finnishness into these schools.

An ECF operated school: Qatar-Finland International School​

A quality support partnership: Finland Oman School

A quality support partnership: Finland International School Race Course, India

Co-create a premium quality, Finland International school with us

Our team of pedagogical experts excel in applying Finland’s education concept to complement your school’s unique context. During the journey of creating, operating, and nurturing a sustainable Finland International School, we provide a wide range of services to support you in taking key steps along the way.

Contact us