EduCluster Finland Global Careers

New recruitment incoming

Adjust Your Career Compass

Calling for top-of-the-line education professionals! 

EduCluster Finland operations are based on strong understanding of the Finnish Education system and the best practices from both Finland and abroad. We believe that everyone deserves the best possible education and future.

To ensure and enhance the execution of our vision we are looking for open-minded education experts with a multi-cultural approach and versatile competencies to work in our partner schools and projects around the world.

Pool of Experts

Join our  Pool of Experts to stay updated on our long-term career path options as well as short term international projects. For future reference, we are keen on welcoming like-minded education experts into the community.

Join the Pool of Experts

ECF Trainee Pool

The ECF Trainee Pool is designed to serve teacher students who are looking for a trainee placement abroad. To find out more and to apply, please visit

Thank You for Meeting Us at Educa!

Thank you for coming to meet us at Educa. We had several interesting and insightful discussion. Your participation and enthusiasm made the event a success!

Our research-based tool – Managing Diversity in International Educational Environments Competence Matrixidentifies 15 key competences advantageous for adapting to working life in an international setting. Feel free to explore!