ECF Trainee Pool

What is the ECF Trainee Pool?

The ECF Trainee Pool offers an international opportunity for university-required teaching practice. It provides a platform for students to create a trainee profile showcasing their competencies and needs. The goal is to support trainees in becoming international education professionals.

Who is the ECF Trainee Pool for?

The ECF Trainee Pool is designed for teacher trainees from Finnish universities looking for an international teaching placement as part of their required university teaching practice.

What do our partner school offer?

  • Trainee positions for early childhood education, class teacher, subject teacher and special education teacher (SEN)
  • A personal mentor who will guide a trainee through the practice period
  • International, multicultural, multi-professional, and inspiring trainee environment
  • Opportunities to build professional networks
  • Possibilities to take part in staff training
  • A great opportunity to see what Finnish educational export in action is like

Note! Typically, the trainee is expected to arrange and cover the costs for accommodation, flights, VISA, transportation, and life in general in a destination country. School-specific practices regarding financial and other forms of support can be found on the schools’ info pages.

How to apply?

The application period is ongoing and the schools’ trainee coordinators review the applications as they come. The coordinators are in direct contact with the suitable candidates.

You can submit your application through the apply-button below. In need of technical assistance with your application, please contact:  Please note that we do not process applications sent by email.

Submit your application!

Get to know our Trainee Schools

You have currently a possibility to apply for a trainee placement at Qatar-Finland International School in Doha and at Finland International School Race Course in Mumbai, India.

You can read more about what kind of trainees the schools are looking for and what the school offer to their trainees.

Teaching practice at Qatar-Finland International School​

Teaching practice at Finland International School Race Course in Mumbai

Inspiring Trainee Stories

“These experiences will stay with me and have a long-lasting impact for the rest of my life.”

Linda Id, class teacher

“If you have ever dreamt of working as a teacher outside Finland, a practice period is a good way to get a taste of that and to also learn whether working abroad is something that you really want to do in the future”

Nelli Numminen, class teacher

You will gain valuable teacher experience in a multilinguistical and multicultural environment. My experience was one of a kind and unique

Sanna Messman, class teacher