Project description

Spreading the Magic of English Language Teaching is a KA210 Erasmus+ project, which aims to promote a comprehensive approach to English language learning and teaching. This goal will be fulfilled by launching and operating the English Language Teacher Mentor Network (ELTMN) which is an international platform and tool for English language teachers.

The Need

In Hungary there is an increasing need for professional training for English language teachers, especially from the countryside and rural regions, where they lack high quality professional training. While in Finland, lifelong learning is a core value of all educators, who are keen to benefit from an international development project with long-lasting cooperative results. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to co-create a one-of-a-kind learning platform for English language teachers in Hungary and in Finland.

For Whom?

The main target audience of the project are the English language teachers of Hungary and Finland. The project invites highly motivated, creative and passionate English language educators, from all corners of these countries, who are looking for high-quality, modern professional training. The two headquarters of the project are Békéscsaba, Hungary and Jyväskylä, Finland.


  • Share insights of the ELT practices, specifically tailored to the needs of English language educators in the partner countries
  • Co-create a one-of-a-kind learning platform for English language teachers in Hungary and in Finland: the ELTMN
  • Remain inclusive and have a great impact the training days, school visits and workshops of the project will be streamed online or shared with the Hungarian and Finnish audience after

Project Activities

  • Kick-off meeting in Finland. In-person meeting of the project management team in Finland to launch the project officially. The focus of the kick-off week is put on the content development of the professional development training: topics, structure and needs of the stakeholders.
  • Softening workshop in Hungary for English Language Teachers. The softening workshop will be a hybrid event (Location TBD) inviting Hungarian ELT teachers interested in volunteering as members of an international teacher network. Based on an application task shared throughout the event, the most passionate 10 English language teachers will be selected to join the training sessions in Finland.
  • Five-day long main training in Hungary for ELT teachers. Includes a 5-day training, parts of which is streamed online for Finnish and Hungarian attendees interested, and the recordings are shared with the ELTMN members.
  • Five-day long professional training programme in Finland for ELT teachers. To shed light on innovative educational practices in the well-performing Finnish schools, the 10 selected teachers will be attending school visits, workshops and on-site training in Finland. The Finnish and Hungarian members of the ELTMN network will have the chance to meet in person and share their ideas and strengthen this cooperation and the network.
  • Running and community building of the English Language Teachers’ Mentor Network (ELTMN) and continuous dissemination of project results.

Read more about the project, Magic of teaching.

Join Us!

The ELTMN is a welcoming and creative platform, where teachers can share best practices of English language teaching and attend monthly professional development online sessions, where both Finnish and Hungarian English language teaching (ELT) experts lead fruitful discussions. The network also provides an opportunity to innovate, build professional relationships and create long-lasting and publicly available English language teaching ELT materials.

If you are and English Language Teacher from Hungary or Finland, by signing up to our newsletter, you will be automatically added to the ELTMN community.

Link to join